Piece of the Month - November 2002

De mon triste desplaisir
A short time ago there was a discussion on the lutenet about Pastyme with good companye by Henry VIII, which is based on a chanson by Jean Richafort, De mon triste desplaisir. Here are three more pieces based on the chanson: an intabulation by Francesco da Milano, followed by his parody fantasia, followed by a parody of Francesco's parody by his ward and discipulo, Pierino Fiorentino. The two Francesco pieces come from the Intabolatura de lauto di M. Francesco Milanese et M. Perino Fiorentino, Libro Terzo, 1547 (Brown 15472) nos. 7 and 8 respectively. Pierino's piece is found on f.7r. of the Siena Lute Book. Both sources contain other pieces by this interesting composer.


De mon triste by Francesco da Milano: dmt.ft2; dmt.tab

Fantasia de mon triste by Francesco da Milano: dmtfant.ft2; dmtfant.tab

Fantasia de mon triste by Pierino Fiorentino: dmtpierino.ft2; dmtpierino.tab

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